Tuesday, 2 December 2008

2008 hybrid cars

Hybrid cars are the most fuel efficient and new environmentally aware way to drive. Hybrid cars are priced three to seven thousand dollars more than similar standard versions of the same vehicle.
Hybrid cars are one among the promising types of new generation cars.
Hybrid cars are fast becoming more and more popular due to the rising fuel costs and the prices of hybrid cars are becoming more and more affordable.
Hybrid cars are efficient and save money on fuelling.
Hybrid cars are seen as a stepping stone to the ultimate green car, a car fuelled by a hydrogen fuel cell which will produce zero emissions.
Hybrid cars are a fusion of technologies.
Hybrid cars are not the final answer, but they are a good start.
Hybrid cars are more reliable than electric cars from what we are seeing to date and they have gasoline as an alternate fuel.
Hybrid cars are more expensive to buy, but cheaper to own over the long run especially for local commuting trips where the electric engine is used more often than the gas powered engine.
Hybrid cars are not cheap but they are affordable.
Hybrid cars are not so fast as cars that run on only gas.
Hybrid cars are arguably the most innovative automotive vehicles of our generation. Hybrid cars are a cross between an electric car that operates on batteries and a gasoline-powered engine.
Hybrid cars are increasingly popular with celebrities and those who want to demonstrate their commitment to a cleaner environment.
Hybrid cars are at the centre of a green car revolution. With these configurations, hybrid cars are able to have a fuel mileage of 60-70 mpg as compared to 20-40 in conventional cars.
However, while hybrid cars are jam packed with all the merits that might instantly bowl the discerning consumer over, it is not without its share of faults and disadvantages.
Maintenance tools for hybrid cars are also pretty rare, so expect to spend more on checkups and fix-its when the car bogs down.
Hybrid cars are popular with governments and people who drive hybrids in the UK will benefit from reduced tax discs.
Unlike standard cars moving on a single propulsion system, hybrid cars are driven by the power of multiple propulsion.
However, some feel that Hybrid cars are a just a transitional step before we move to Hydrogen cars, or some other fuel that isn’t oil based.
Some hybrid cars are also experimenting with lead acid.
Electric-petrol hybrid cars are energy- efficient and produce fewer emissions.

Mark Boardman


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